i'm so glad to be going home in two days. i'm so excited to be home for a long time and spend basically everyday with my best friend, Lucie. this past weekend though was so busy. i saw the MTP's and theater majors perform directing scenes friday night which was so fun. saturday the freshmen dance majors had our first concert performing with just our class which was probably one of my favorite things i've done here so far. i just have four more finals and this project to get through and then i get to go home thursday afternoon. that night, the honors dance class at my high school has their annual concert so i'm going with a few friends that i was in that class with last year to support our younger friends that are still there. i'm really excited to see what they've been up to and what that class is like with out us in it. good luck to my RDE girls and see you soon Lucie! #rbhsdance #bestfriends #TYP
one more thing. so i decided i kind of like writing blogs so i might keep writing one at least once a week (i'll try to still write two) even though this class is over. we'll see how long it last but i'll try to keep it updated over winter break!
Now you're just sucking up...lol. But seriously you totally should keep writing blogs! Blogs are a fun way to talk about whatever you want without having to worry about word limits. And it could look good to a future employer. If you do keep writing be sure to share your posts on FB or whatever social network you use so your friends and family can see your amazing posts, unless you don't want them to ;)